Thursday 3 May 2007


Gambling...What is it...

In western societies Gambling is 'wagering money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money or material goods'
So is gambling classed as being bad...does it harm any one...
Gambling is part of many people daily life. There there many types of gambling such as betting on:-
  • horses
  • dogs
  • football matches
  • dog fights
  • national lottery

Many people have argued that there isn't anything wrong with gambling...but if u cannot afford to gamble is part of being bad...Some may agree and say gambling when you cannot afford it is bad because the person has to sacrifice things that do not belong to them or even people....
So is gambling OK as long as you have enough money to feed the habit...

1 comment:

JE$$ said...

I think people who gamble must have money to burn, cuz i could never go into a casino and spent off my money and have a chance of losing it. Some people have serious problems when it comes to gambling, their addicted to it. People lose their houses and their families over it, i dont think its worth it. It just shows that money makes the world go round and some people think that its the only thing to make them happy, until they lose their family then they realsie that their is more important things in life. People are greedy and always want more. Dont get me wrong though people are lucky and sometimes come out better off but is it worth the risk?