Wednesday 11 April 2007


I think that Infidelity is classed as being bad and many people would agree...Lying, taking risks, scheming and using a persons vulnerability to your advantage fall into the Infidelity category. Infidelity is bad because you are betraying loved ones and the other person can get very upset when they find out and it breaks down families.

Monday 9 April 2007

Body Modifications

Are Tattoos and Piercings that bad...

Body Modifications are seen as being bad to many people. Some religious people see tattooing as a sign of being bad because it has been written that marking the body in any way is a sin in one way or another. In many countries Body Modifications are signs and symbols that represent what tribe, village or area of the country they belong too. Nowadays Body Modifications such as piercings and tattoos are part of fashion and some people do it to be different or what groups they belong too. I don't class tattoos and piercings are being bad.